The academic year 2020-2021 will be unique and atypical! 

The Covid 19 pandemic requires a set of security measures that shape the way teaching will take place in the next academic year. 

In the months from March to July this year, we have transformed all our courses to the online format, determined to continue practicing quality education, and at the end of this school year we feel that the objectives we set for ourselves have been achieved! 

 Atelier de Lisboa has the knowledge and capacity to carry out online teaching with the same ambition that characterizes our classroom teaching and our school in general. 

 To tackle the pandemic, we have implemented the following set of measures: 

- We reduced the number of classroom courses and each classroom group will have a maximum number of 6 to 7 students. 

- Mandatory use of a mask in face-to-face classes 

- We offer a wide range of online courses in 3 areas: technical, theoretical and project. 

- Theoretical courses, as they involve a larger number of participants, will preferably exist in an online format. 

- The online technical courses will have a maximum number of 8 students, with a strong practical component. 

- The online project courses will have a maximum number of 10 students, and each student will also be entitled to one individual tutoring with the teacher, per semester. 

 Atelier de Lisboa will monitor the evolution of the situation and make any necessary adaptations. We will also follow the recommendations of the Health Authorities, to ensure the safety of all those who attend our school. 

 On our website, we present the calendars for classroom and online courses starting September and December 2020. 

2020/2021 CALENDARS 

-> Classroom Courses 
-> Online Courses 


Happy Academic Year 2020-2021!  

August 2020 

The Coordination 

Lisbon Atelier