16 Months
1 Session per week
Wednesday 19:30 - 22:30

12 March 2025 - 8 July 2026

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Project and Photobook Creation Course
Bruno Pelletier Sequeira, Bruno Santos, David Alexandre-Gueniot, Filipa Valladares, Filipa Rosa, Andreia Neves Nunes e Miguel Rodrigues

This Course is designed for photographers, photography students, and visual artists who wish to undertake an advanced-level project course. This course is organized into modules, with the primary objective of guiding participants in creating a photography book.

Throughout the course, each student will receive guidance and support in the conception and development of a project and a book. At the end of the course, a public presentation of the books created by each participant will be held. The course spans 16 school months, with one class per week.

In addition to the course instructors, several guest contributors from the fields of photography book production and distribution will participate.

The course is structured according to the following modules:


  • Bruno Pelletier Sequeira – Project and Editorial Project (25 classes)

Theoretical Module:

  • Bruno Santos — The Photography Book (8 classes)

Workshops and Seminars:

  • Filipa Rosa — Design Workshop (6 classes)

  • Andreia Neves Nunes — InDesign Workshop (6 classes)

  • Miguel Rodrigues — Text. Pretext. Context (8 classes)

Guest Contributions:

  • David Alexandre-Gueniot — Editorial Project

  • Filipa Valladares — The Photography Book Market

  • Tiago Casanova — Photography Book Production and Publication

  • Pedro Guimarães — Photography Book Production and Publication

Per month: 160€
Number of payments: 16

The sessions and tutorials will be in English.

Candidates must pre-register on the Atelier de Lisboa website and send a portfolio and a biography to atelierdelisboa@gmail.com, after which an interview may be scheduled. Contact Atelier de Lisboa for any clarification.


Discounts and Benefits:
Project Courses are most important to the School and the monthly fees include the use of Atelier de Lisboa resources. The monthly fees include, with no additional fares, access to: Black and White Dark Room, Digital Lab, Reading Room and Working Space.

Black and White Dark Room:
Atelier de Lisboa has a Black and White Dark Room, available to project students for the development of their works. Such usage has no additional fees and it may take place in accordance with the School's schedule (Monday to Wednesday, from 3pm to 10pm), upon booking. Film and photographic paper are to be acquired by each student.

Digital Lab:
Atelier de Lisboa has a Digital Lab, available to project students for the development of their works. Such usage has no additional fees and it may take place in accordance with the School's schedule (Monday to Wednesday, from 3pm to 10pm), upon booking. Printing papers are to be acquired by each student.

Reading Room:
Atelier de Lisboa's book collection is available for consultation and work by the project students, from Monday to Wednesday, from 3pm to 7pm. Between 7pm and 10pm, book consultations may not interfere with the ongoing classes.

Working Space:
Atelier de Lisboa's Working Space is available for students to work with no restrictions, from Monday to Wednesday, between 3pm and 7pm. Between 7pm and 10pm, the space's availability may be conditioned by the ongoing classes.